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Ephesians 4:14-15 - that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ

God desires each of us to grow spiritually. But growth doesn’t happen by accident—it’s intentional. You must consciously choose to grow, committing daily to strengthening your faith. Spiritual maturity comes through the Word of God and your personal relationship with Him.

A key ingredient in spiritual growth is willingness. If you are willing, God will work in you. The Holy Spirit is ready to teach and guide you to a higher place. However, if you resist change, you limit what God can do in your life.

Everything that grows changes. Think about a seed planted in the springtime—it starts small, sprouts into a plant, and blossoms into something beautiful. The same principle applies to your spiritual life. To grow, you must be willing to change.

Change can feel uncomfortable, even intimidating, but it is necessary. God is a God of transformation. While His character and love remain constant (Malachi 3:6), He works in new and different ways throughout Scripture. He rarely does things the same way twice.

Isaiah 55:8 - “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.

We often ask God to make us more like Him—to fill us with His love, power, and purpose. But this prayer is a request for change. If you truly desire spiritual growth, you must embrace change, trusting that God’s plan is always for your good. Change moves you forward, elevating you to new levels in your faith.

Pursue God wholeheartedly and allow Him to work in you. He longs to bring good things into your life but needs your willingness. When you surrender to His will, you open the door for Him to do great things in and through you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I seek You today with a desire to grow spiritually. I long to know You more and become more like You. I recognize that growth requires change, and I am willing to let go of anything that hinders me from becoming who You’ve called me to be. Open my heart and transform me according to Your will. I trust that Your plans for me are good. Thank You for all that You are doing in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.